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Friday, 6 January 2012

Dermatitis allergic cats

 Dermatitis allergic cats
Sensitivity of the skinSome cats, like some people are born with the desire to develop reactions when exposed to certain substances in the environment around them. 
 Cats with allergic dermatitis develop skin diseases characterized by signs of itching, such as biting and scratching the skin, when exposed to this substance, which has become sensitive. In some cases there is no evidence of itching, but there are other skin abnormalities.  
Exposure to this entry through inhalation (this route of sensitization is common in some form of allergy is called atopy), ingestion (eg, food allergies), and vaccination (the bites of fleas, and drugs) , or direct contact of skin with a criminal matter.
Usually you will see the redness of the skin, and bumps and oozing areas probably sticky and bustle, and sometimes Dan drufflike the stairs. 
 Redness of the skin may be abnormally warm to the touch. 
 Neglected in the cases there is a loss of hair, and large areas of rough skin can develop skin can become so thick. 
 If these changes are long enough without treatment, can become permanent. 
 Areas that could scratch the severe infection. 
 Cats with allergic dermatitis had licked on her side and belly and inside hind legs when the care excessively, causing the hair loss is accompanied by a characteristic symmetrical any changes to the skin itself. 
 Cats must be differentiated with this type of allergic dermatitis who have other reasons (such as hormones) of hair loss that takes a similar path.
In addition to the signs of the skin, and possibly with allergic inflammation of the cats have a more general sign of allergies such as flows from the nose, sneezing, watery eyes, watery eyes and conjunctivitis. 
 They may also be some vomiting or diarrhea.Sensitivity of the skin has many causesFleas are probably the most common cause of allergic dermatitis.
 If you practice good flea control, you may be able to prevent the skin from developing or mitigate the problem have been developed already.
 Please note, however, the rule of flea sprays or drops on the skin, but sometimes they worsen the irritation.  
If you plan to control fleas, but the cat is still zero, and there may be several possibilities.  
For example:1. A single flea bite (which can not see) can cause severe itching and sensitivity of an animal.2. Cats can be allergic to many different things, or in addition to fleas, such as pollens, house dust, molds, trees, wool and food, and cigarette smoke.3. It can not be the case of allergic inflammation of the skin (for example).Bathing is a part of the homeBathrooms frequent (every 1-2 weeks) helps to control many of the signs in cat and also help prevent secondary bacterial infections.
Removes allergens from the coat seems to alleviate some infections of the skin associated with skin reactions.
Use a hypoallergenic shampoo (for example, Castile shampoo, baby shampoo, shampooing or veterinary prescription, bar soap or washing dishes) to avoid further damage to sensitive skin. 
 If the cat's skin and hair becomes very dry with bathing, emollient oil diluted with water to avoid leaving a greasy fur can be used excessively, and the final rinse.  
Hypoallergenic bath oil for the sick, or may designate a veterinary product.
If you find that makes a cat a bath signs the worst, no, of course, continue to be used as a treatment.
Often, when I started itching again even if you remove the main cause of irritation.
This may be due to scratches, which releases substances that cause itching of damaged cells. Occur when such a session, if the managing veterinarian and / or medications such as antihistamines, describes, and fatty acids of anti-inflammatories, cortisone or to control the problem. It must in many allergic cats drug treatment is repeated intermittently or continuously run.
Were skin test, blood tests and hyposensitization (induction of immune tolerance by injecting small amounts of allergens) is also used in some people with allergies useful in some cats with allergic dermatitis due to causes of environmental sensitivity such as pollen mold and house dust.
Elimination of special meals, often made from rice or potatoes, lamb, turkey or rabbit, are useful for the diagnosis and treatment of allergy-related signs of food intolerance.  
There is a need to limit to a minimum of four weeks of the diet to exclude foods due to allergies.
Many vets particular interest in diseases of the skin and can make an effort to understand what affects cat allergy.  
Problems can be diagnosed with a sensitivity of cats are very difficult and treatment by a veterinary dermatologist. 
 Persistent problems, ask your veterinarian for a referral to a specialist.


Anonymous said...

This blog was very helpful for me because my cat is having a skin disease now and he need proper medication. Using this blog, I can now manage my pet properly. Thank you for sharing!

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