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Thursday, 5 January 2012

Tips for cats food

Tips for cats food
I heard from pet owners seriously because they need to make sure that the cat and the cat eat healthy meals, and why the need to avoid bad commercial cat food.
If you want to buy cat food at major retailers, it can be a big surprise. 
 To find the cat food labeled as "food for cats excellent" may not actually be great for the cat loved as you think. 
 The truth is that the pet food industry and many of the dirty little secrets, I just do not want consumers to know. Before coming to pick up the bad food for cats, and learn a little 'more industry and then make your decision.1. Pet food labels that you see on the shelves in the words of evasive trick. Weasel words are words that look very promising, but it means nothing, in fact informative.
Imposed the words like "premium", "choice" and "quality" on the labels, according to the rules, it is perfectly legal to do so as long as it does not offer a warranty on the components of the food or the food itself. Premium is the word that is simply a marketing term. 
 The label is to encourage people to buy, and does nothing more.
Bad commercial cat food sounds delicious with lots of labels on the right, after all.2. Able to read the ingredients you tell if the cat food in question is worth the purchase. And quality of food animals is often low, "and meals of meat and bone," as the main component. 
 In simple terms, "and meat and bones" is a mixture of the intestines of animals, and diseased tissue, and cut the bone, and sometimes even what remains of euthanized cats and dogs and sheep.
Meat and animal products and also digest the components are similar.  
This is why many of the cat becomes ill with bad food business.3. There is less control of the quality of food for animals in the human diet. Just as with the food we eat, and there are different levels of quality pet foods. Each bag of pet food and comes with a content analysis of elements in the food sector, where it is possible to determine the percentage of fat, protein, carbohydrates e.
Analysis does not tell you the sources of protein and some pet food manufacturers in the use of low nutritional sources such as crow's feet to add a rating higher than that of protein in pet foods.
In addition, many of them use the euthanasia of animals because of disease in food animals. 
 And the cat's diet is difficult to obtain if you do not know this simple trick.4. The best food in the cat and the quality of human resources quality ingredients. Should make this common sense, but often not. Many pet food companies say they use human grade ingredients, but use only one or two components of the value of human consumption. To ensure that your pet food is 100% human quality, it is important to select APHIS European certified food.
When the European countries to import food for animals from the United States, argue that all human grade ingredients. The use of law as a way to avoid making the purchase of food substrate.5. Health food for cats and probiotic bacteria and described in the human diet. 
 To make sure you follow the diet of your cat healthy, you must ensure that the bacteria in the intestines of the cat is actually present in the recommended number. 
 Check acidophilus label. If not on the label, you must find the cat food on the health of the immune system to have a pet or add probiotics and enzymes in food.6. Preservatives used in pet foods and chemicals that cause cancer.  
These include hazardous materials such as preservatives, including BHA and BHT, and both chemicals cause cancer and general malaise. When choosing your pets food, and make an effort to look for natural preservatives like vitamin E, natural mixed tocopherols. And the cat's diet to be free of BHT.7. Metal chelates facilitates the process.
The needs of your pet metals such as copper, iron and zinc in their diet.  
The metals are difficult to absorb, if you're a human being or animal. 
 Using a process called chelation, science has made it easier for animals to get the minerals they need.
It will be a healthy cat food, dog mentioned in the declaration of the metal component.Many of the pet food manufactures, there seem to have no problem selling low quality pet food pet owners and sacrifice the health of millions of pets.
If you want to avoid buying cat food bad thing you can do business there.
You can always choose a high quality cat food, rather than those that can be seen along the shelves of most stores.

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